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As part of our ‘Space’ theme the children in Neville class have been measuring the shadows created on the playground at different times throughout the day.   Each group accurately measured the shadows created at hourly intervals and recorded their findings in a table. They will then use this information to create a range of...
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At the end of our summer term the whole school went on a visit to The Deep aquarium in Hull. The visit was a wonderful finale to our theme on the oceans. The children enjoyed exploring the amazing underwater world, finding out about the different creatures that live in our seas and oceans. Our Key...
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vehicula vel diam id rutrum. Praesent tincidunt vitae odio vel imperdiet. Phasellus commodo consequat turpis, ullamcorper luctus felis mollis ac. Nam tempus nibh nunc, nec interdum arcu dapibus in. Ut laoreet porttitor orci, in blandit est fermentum tincidunt. Sed luctus fringilla felis id scelerisque. Vivamus condimentum...
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Sed viverra pretium dolor. In semper nunc nisi, non porta erat facilisis quis. Nam sit amet porta elit. Nullam suscipit congue quam, eu rhoncus mi tempor sit amet. Donec convallis quam sed eros cursus pharetra. Nam odio enim, adipiscing eget lorem id, mattis aliquam est. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum fermentum enim sit amet tellus dapibus consequat....
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